FSI Technical Manual - page 357

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p 357
Chapter 5
Polyurethane Foam and Resin
5.2.3 A letter from the polyurethane manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative expressing
ability and intent to provide on-site supervision of the polyurethane installation.
5.3 A listing of all safety violations lodged against the Installing Contractor within the previous three
years and the current status or final resolutions thereof. Descriptions of safety improvements
instituted within the previous three years may also be submitted, at the Installing Contractor’s
6.1 Within two (2) weeks of receiving the contract award, the Installing Contractor shall submit the
following documentation:
6.1.1 Certification that the proposed polyurethane material meets the requirements of Section 4.
6.1.2 Qualifications of the Installing Contractor per Section 5.2.
6.1.3 Minimum and/or maximum quantity of polyurethane material.
6.1.4 Soil testing procedures and failure criteria, if applicable.
6.1.5 Provide proof of insurance coverage as stated in the general specifications and/or
7.1 Installing Contractor shall furnish and install polyurethane material per the project Plans. In the
event of conflict between the project Plans and the Installing Contractors proposed installation
method, the Installing Contractor shall not begin work until conflict has been resolved with the
7.2 The Owner shall request marking of underground utilities by an underground utility location
service as required by law, and the Installing Contractor shall avoid contact with all marked
underground utilities.
7.3 The portion of the construction site occupied by the Installing Contractor, including equipment
and material stockpiles, shall be kept reasonably clean and orderly.
7.4 The installation of polyurethane may be observed by representatives of the Owner for quality
assurance purposes. The Installing Contractor shall give the Owner at least 24 hours’ notice
prior to starting the polyurethane installation.
7.5 The polyurethane will be installed with an industrial pumping unit capable of output pressures of
at least 3,000 psi. The pumping unit will be capable of controlling the pressure and rate of flow
of the material, as well as, measuring the total amount of material injected.
7.6 If
inch diameter holes are required for the placement of the polyurethane material, the hole
locations may be approved by the Owner prior to installation. After installation, the drilled holes
will be cleaned out and filled with non-shrink grout or high-strength mortar mix.
7.7 The polyurethane material will be injected until all known or encountered voids under the
pavement are filled or until the soil matrix has reached the required density.
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